Jeddah, 14 January 2024
The Consul General of Italy in Jeddah
– having regard to Art. 29 of Presidential Decree no. 54 of 1 February 2010 (which allows Diplomatic and Consular Missions to enter into sponsorship contracts with public or private entities, companies, associations, foundations, citizens and in general with any subject, Italian or foreign, who does not carry out activities in conflict with public interest);
– having regard to Art. 6 of the Decree of 2 November 2017, n. 192 (collaborations with private individuals);
– considering the interest shown by various Italian and foreign companies in supporting commercial and cultural promotion initiatives in collaboration with this Consulate General with the possibility of promoting their image and sponsoring events and reviews of institutional events organized by this Consular Mission;
Interested parties that it is possible to sign a contract with this Consulate General in order to sponsor the celebration of the Italian Republic day and the events organized in the framework of the Integrated Promotion Program 2024 of the Consulate General of Italy in Jeddah
1.1. The 2024 Integrated Promotion Program, organized by the Consulate General of Italy in Jeddah, will be divided into an articulated program of events throughout the year, including the following (exact dates to
be confirmed):
1) Italian National Day: the organization of an event by the Consulate General and related communication activities are planned to celebrate the Italian National Day;
2) Italian Design Day: the organization of seminars (virtual or in presence) with the so-called “Design Ambassadors” as well as other promotional activities in support of ‘Made in Italy’ in this sector;
3) Week of the Italian Language: events dedicated to the promotion of the Italian language organized worldwide by the diplomatic-consular network and the Italian Cultural Institutes abroad, in connection with the Italian Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and Ministry of University and Research.
4) Week of Italian Cuisine: events organized by the Consulate General, for the promotion of Italian food products and Italian cultural, food traditions, also through digital communication initiatives.
5) Other initiatives, such as concerts, festivals ecc. will be organized.
1.2 The various initiatives will be promoted and highlighted on the Consulate’s website, on the Consulate’s X/Twitter profile and through further communication actions addressed to the media and Saudi companies of reference.
1.3 In the context of the above mentioned events in 2024, the Consulate General makes available to sponsors (according to the methods and conditions referred to in point 3 of this Notice) the possibility of highlighting their brands, logos and activities in the context of the activities planned for each event or review of scheduled events.
2.1 Public and private entities for which there are no prejudicial or limiting conditions of the contractual capacity pursuant to Art. 80 of Legislative Decree n. 50/216 are allowed to submit their sponsorship
3.1 Three sponsorship tiers are foreseen:
– Platinum sponsor (starting from a minimum of 25,000 SAR): the company will be mentioned in the Consul General’s speeches on the occasion of the Republic Day and other events; the relevant logo will appear on the
invitation, on the banners and on the announcement of the event on the Consulate General website; on the occasion of the Day of the Republic, the company will also be entitled to 8 individual invitations for its guests and
will be able to project a short film or set up a stand according to the procedures to be decided with the Consulate General.
– Golden sponsor (starting from 15,000 SAR): on the occasion of events organized by the Consulate General, the logo will appear on the invitation, on the banners and on the announcement of the event on the Embassy
website; the company will be entitled to 4 individual invitations for its guests on the occasion of the Day of the Republic.
– Silver sponsor (starting from 10,000 SAR): on the occasion of events organized by the Consulate General, the logo will appear on the invitation, on the banners and on the announcement of the event on the Consulate website. The company will be entitled to 2 individual invitations for its guests on the occasion of the Day of the Republic
3.2 In the event that the local health situation does not allow to hold the Italian Republic day, integrated promotional initiatives will be organized in the form of convivial events in line with Saudi Ministry of Health Covid prevention measures.
4.1 The sponsorship offer by interested parties must be submitted by e-mail no later than 15 March, 2024 to the email addresses;; and, according to the following indications:
– submitted in writing using attachment no.1 to this notice, signed by the Legal Representative, indicating the financial amount that is being offered as a sponsorship to the Consulate General according to the three tiers described above (Platinum, Golden and Silver);
– accompanied by the signed ‘single document of requirements’ certifying the non-existence of conditions that are prejudicial or limit the contractual capacity of the sponsor pursuant to art. 80 of
Legislative Decree n.50/2016, using attachment no. 2 to this Notice
– accompanied by the signed ‘Information on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data’ pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679, art.13, using attachment no. 3 to this Notice
– Identity document of the Representative of the Sponsor.
4.2 Offers that are conditional or expressed in an indefinite or incomplete way (for example without handwritten signature) will be excluded.
Sponsorship offers, sent by the Consulate within the terms set out in point 4 of this Notice, will be evaluated by the Consulate General in compliance with the principles of economy, effectiveness, impartiality, equal treatment, transparency, proportionality. Subsequently, the sponsorship contract should be signed by the date of 15 April 2024, using the model in attachment no. 4. The bank transfer of the sponsorship amount should be made by the date of 1 May 2024.
Once the sponsorship contract has been signed, sponsors are requested to transmit to the Consulate all the promotional material (logos, images, etc.) relating to their visibility during events.
7.1 The Consulate General has the right to refuse the sponsorship offer if t:
- a) believes that it may result in a conflict with the institutional and diplomatic activity carried out or if it constitutes a violation of the laws or principles of the Italian legal system;
- b) recognizes in the advertising message a possible prejudice or damage to its image and / or to its initiatives;
- c) considers it inadmissible for reasons of general admissibility;
- d) contains elements of propaganda having a political, trade union, philosophical or religious purpose;
- e) contains offensive messages (including manifestations of fanaticism, racism, hatred, threats or intolerance).
7.2 In any case, a specific clause must be included in the contract that allows the Consulate General to withdraw for foreign policy reasons, upon simple request, without conditions or limitations of any kind, free of charge and without prejudice to the right to the refund of previously paid sums exceeding the cost for services already rendered and acquired.
8.1 The sponsorship contract is signed by the chosen sponsor and the Consulate General.
8.2 Under no circumstances are third parties allowed to take over the sponsorship contract without the written authorization of the Consulate General.
8.3 In case of untruthfulness of the content of the offers and of the related self-certifications, the interested party will incur the penal sanctions envisaged, immediately forfeiting any benefit that may be
obtained on the basis of untruthful declarations.
8.4 If the scheduling, for reasons not attributable to the Consulate General, does not take place, the Parties will jointly decide on the reimbursement methods in the event that the payment to the Consulate’s account has
already been made.
8.5 It is also noted the need to refer to Art. 6 of the Decree 2 November 2017, n.192 (Collaboration with private individuals), whose paragraph 2 establishes that a specific clause is included in the sponsorship
contracts that allows withdrawal for foreign policy reasons, upon simple request, without conditions or limitations of any kind, free of charge and subject to right to the refund of advance payments previously
paid and in excess of the sum for services already rendered and acquired. If the contractor does not accept the inclusion of the clause, the sponsorship contract cannot be concluded.
Jeddah, 14 January 2024 Leonardo Costa
Console Generale
For the attachments, see below:
1) Sponsorship offer
2) Requirements
3) Privacy declaration
4) Contract form